Assembly of Fellows
Ex-officio Member
Yale-China Association Representative
Ms. LUK Man Chung Jean
College Secretary
Prof. CHAN Kwan Chee Allen Prof. CHAN YIP Wing Han Carmen Dr. CHANG Ming Yuen Michael
Prof. CHENG Sze Lok Alfred Prof. CHEUNG Chin Hung Sidney Prof. CHEUNG Kam Siu Kenneth
Prof. CHEUNG Sui Wai Prof. CHONG Tai Leung Terence Prof. CHUNG Tsz Shun Eric
Prof. HUANG Yong Prof. HUI Ho Lam Jerome Prof. KONG Pik Shan Alice
Prof. LAM Hon Ming Dr. LAU Sin Nga Ann Prof. LEE Ho Man Jimmy
Prof. LEE Jyh An Prof. LEE Ka Man Carmen Dr. LEUNG Fung Lin Elean
Prof. MA Xufei Prof. MERCURIO Bryan Prof. NAKANO Lynne Yukie
Prof. NGAI To Prof. SHU Ching Tat Chester Prof. SO York Kee Clement
Prof. SUM Kim Wai Raymond Prof. SZETO Cheuk Chun Prof. TAM Wai Ping Lukas
Prof. TONG Kai Yu Raymond Prof. TSE Wai Kit Wicky Prof. WAN Chun Ying Lisa
Prof. WAN Yau Heng Tom Prof. WING Yun Kwok Prof. WONG Wing Tak Jack
Prof. ZHONG Hua Sara
Student Members
Miss NG Siu Ching Mr. TSANG Cheung Hang

Effective Date: 01 August 2024


(A) Terms of Reference

As stipulated in The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance, the College Assembly of Fellows shall be responsible for formulating and executing functions and duties related to College affairs, including:


  1. The promotion of student-oriented teaching in collaboration with the Boards of Studies and under the direction of the Senate of the University;
  2. The planning and promotion of general education and physical education programmes;
  3. Provision of student counseling services and maintenance of student discipline;
  4. The promotion of student welfare, and supervision of all matters related to the planning and management of student hostels;
  5. The advancement of academic and cultural activities;
  6. The development of public relations, including liaison with alumni and strategies on fund-raising, etc.;
  7. The election of representatives from among the Fellows, to serve on various committees, including the College Board of Trustees, University Council and Senate;
  8. The establishment of Standing Committee for handling routine and time-based college affairs. The terms of reference of the Standing Committee are approved by the College Assembly of Fellows;
  9. The establishment of committees under the College Assembly of Fellows;
  10. The submission of recommendations to the Board of Trustees on the development of the College;
  11. Any other matters raised by the College Head.

(B) Composition

  1. The Assembly of Fellows of New Asia College was set up in accordance with Statute 16 of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance;
  2. The College Head serves as Chairperson; members are appointed by nomination or by election in accordance with the University Ordinance for a term of five years and shall be eligible for re-election. The total number of members shall not exceed 35;
  3. The College Secretary serves as Secretary.

(C) Meeting Schedule

  1. The Committee shall normally convene at least three meetings each academic year;
  2. The Chairperson may convene other ad hoc meeting(s) if deemed necessary. It may also be upon  the request of more than 40 per cent of members. A notice of meeting shall be sent to members at least 7 days prior to the meeting;
  3. The quorum of meeting shall be 40 per cent of members present in Hong Kong;
  4. The Assembly may invite staff members or college students in attendance, for providing information relevant to the meeting;
  5. The resolutions of the Assembly shall be approved by more than half of the voting members. If there is tie of votes, the final resolution shall be decided by the Chairperson;
  6. With no contravention to the University Ordinance, the terms of reference and its amendment shall be approved by more than half of the voting members.

(D) Committees of the Assembly of Fellows

In accordance with item 8 and 9 of Statute 2 of the Constitution of the Assembly of Fellows, the following committees are set up to exercise College functions and duties:


  1. Standing Committee
  2. Committee on Academic Exchanges
  3. Committee on Alumni Affairs and Development
  4. Committee on Biweekly Assembly
  5. Committee on Campus Development and Enhancement
  6. Committee on College Culture
  7. Committee on College Founders’ Day
  8. Committee on College History
  9. Committee on Environmental Protection
  10. Committee on General Education
  11. General Education Advisory Board of New Asia College
  12. Committee on Language and Culture
  13. Committee for Lecture Series on Chinese Culture
  14. Committee on New Asia College Cultural Talks
  15. Committee on New Asia Lectures on Contemporary China
  16. Editorial Committee on New Asia Life Monthly
  17. Committee on Overseas Experience
  18. Committee on Publication
  19. Committee on Scholarships and Bursaries
  20. Sports Committee
  21. Committee on Student Counselling and Development
  22. Committee on Student Discipline
  23. Committee on Student Hostels
  24. Committee on Student Installations and Artworks on Campus
  25. Committee on the Management of Hui Gallery and Y.S. Hui Exchange Programme in Fine Arts
  26. Committee on the Management of the College Canteen
  27. Committee on Yen Kwo-Yung Lecture in Life Sciences
  28. Steering Committee on Yu Ying Shih Lecture in History
  29. Sub-Committee on Non-residential Hall
  30. Sub-Committee on Student Exchange Programmes with Universities in Japan
  31. Sub-Committee on Workshop on Chinese Moral Education


All the above committees shall be accountable to the Assembly of Fellows by dealing with affairs  within their respective terms of reference. They may set up work groups or task force whenever necessary.


(E) The terms of reference, authorities and organizations of the committees shall be in accordance with this constitution.

(F) The other members of the committees are teaching staff appointed by the Assembly of Fellows for a term of three years and shall be eligible for re-election. Each of the Committee shall consist of a maximum of 18 members (not including student representatives).

(G) The terms of reference, organization and procedures of the committees shall be in accordance with this constitution.

(H) The terms of reference, organization and procedures of the committees shall be in accordance with this constitution.


01 August 2023