New Asia Online History Archives
- Introduction to New Asia History Gallery
- Visiting Information
- Memory Lanes
- College History
- College History
- Early Teachers (1949 – 1976)
- College History
- Early Student Activities
- Videos and Oral History
- Highlights and Milestones
- Establishment and initiation of the Asia Evening College of Arts and Commerce
- Groundbreaking ceremony of the Shatin new campus
- Professor Hector Sun-on Chan succeeds as College Head
- Asia Evening College of Arts and Commerce is restructured and changed its name to New Asia College
- Establishment and initiation of the New Asia Night School
- Publication of the initial issue of the New Asia College Journal
- First graduation ceremony
- Establishment of the New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies
- Commencement of cooperation with the Yale-in-China Association
- First meeting of New Asia members
- Publication of the initial issue of New Asia Journal
- Department of Foreign Languages was installed
- Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Farm Road Campus
- Inauguration ceremony of the Farm Road Campus
- Department of Chinese and History was divided into the Department of Chinese and the Department of History
- A two-year Fine Arts programme is added
- First issue of New Asia Life Bi-weekly Magazine published
- Graduation of the first batch of postgraduates
- Department of Business Administration is set up, and the Fine Arts programme renamed to the Department of Fine Arts
- College Head renamed as President
- First graduation ceremony of New Asia College’s Fine Arts programme
- Faculties of Arts, Science, and Business instituted
- Department of Philosophy and Education renamed to the Department of Philosophy and Sociology
- Department of Mathematics and the Department of Biology instituted
- New Asia, Chung Chi, and United College co-initiated the combined graduation ceremony
- Establishment of the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Physics
- Celebration of the completion of the third phase of the new campus
- Establishment of the Staff Association
- Declaration of the establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Inauguration of the first Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Resignation of President Ch’ien Mu
- Professor Ou Tsuin-chen succeeds as the President
- Department of Journalism included in the Faculty of Arts
- Department of Business renamed to Department of Accounting and Finance
- Department of Philosophy and Sociology restructured to the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Sociology
- Professor Y.T. Shen succeeds as President
- Death of Dr. Tchang Pi-kai
- Professor Y.P. Mei succeeds as President
- Relocation to Shatin campus
- Professor Yu Ying-Shih succeeds as President
- Professor Chuan Han-sheng succeeds as President
- Legislative Council of Hong Kong passes the “Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance” in the third reading
- Professor Ambrose King succeeds as College Head
- Death of Mr. Tang Chun-i
- Opening of Xuesi Hall and Yun Chi Hsien
- Initial issue of the ‘New Asia Academic Bulletin’ is published
- Mr. Ch’ien Mu presents the handwritten drafts of Zhuzi Xin Xue An to the Ch’ien Mu Library
- Mr. Ch’ien Mu appointed speaker of the first “Ch’ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture”
- First College Cultural Dinner Talk
- Mr. and Mrs. Ch’ien Mu and representatives of the Yale-China Association attended the 30th anniversary celebration events
- Opening of the Yali Lounge
- Mr. and Mrs. Liu Haisu visit New Asia
- First “ S. Y. Chung Visiting Fellow” Professor Qian Weichang visits New Asia
- “Dream of The Red Chamber” translator John Minford visits New Asia
- First “New Asia Mingyu Foundation Scheme” scholar visits New Asia
- Kunqu performing artist Mr. Yu Chun-Fei (transliterated) visits New Asia
- 30th Anniversary of Partnership between New Asia College and Yale-China Association
- Head of Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy Mr. Cheng Shifa visits New Asia
- Professor Lin Tzong-biau succeeds as College Head
- Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of the New Asia College/ Asia University Exchange Programme
- Opening of the New Asia Conference Room
- Death of Mr. Ch’ien Mu
- Mr. and Mrs. Professor Eto Shinkichi of Asia University visit New Asia with a delegation
- National Taiwan University President Yen Chen-Hsing visits New Asia
- Professor Kazuo Takamatsu, President of Soka University visits New Asia
- Professor Leung Ping-chung succeeds as College Head
- Lo Fung Society co-organises the “The Symposium on Literature Exchange amongst Scholars from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau”
- “Institute of Dunhuang-Turfan Studies” established
- First student exchange programme with Yale University
- Opening ceremony of the Hui Gallery and the first exhibition
- New Asia College organises “Student Exchange Programme of the Mainland and Taiwan Universities”
- “Language Academic Seminar”
- “The Academic Seminar in commemoration of the 100th Birthday of Mr. Ch’ien Mu”
- Seminar of “Enhancement of Language Ability by Reading Literature”
- Opening of Beijing Tsinghua University’s “Ch’ien Mu Memorial Library”
- “The International Conference on Cantonese Opera ”
- “Confucianism and the 21st Century” international academic seminar
- “Fou Ts’ong Piano Recital for New Asia’s Golden Jubilee Fundraising”
- “International Conference on Hong Kong Literature”
- Seminar on “The Retrospect and Prospect of Chinese Culture”
- Professor Yuan-tseh Lee lectures on “Chinese Culture and Education”
- Mr. George Yeo lectures on “Chinese Culture and Politics”
- “New Asia Golden Jubilee Concert”
- Professor Ambrose King lectures on “Chinese Culture and Society”
- Professor Yang Chen-Ning lectures on “Chinese Culture and Science”
- First “Seminar on Traditional Chinese Culture”
- Yale-China Association Centennial Delegation visits New Asia
- Topping-out Ceremony of Daisy Lee Hall
- First “Seminar on Chinese Moral Education”
- Professor Henry N.C. Wong succeeds as College Head
- Opening of Daisy Lee Hall and Chow Kwen-lim lounge
- Collaboration with the Yale-China Association in “New Asia College/ Yale University Summer Community Service Exchange”
- Opening of the Pavilion of Harmony
- “Ceremony of Unveiling of the Bust of Mr. Ch’ien Mu cum Completion of the Refurbishment of the Ch’ien Mu Library”
- Celebration and seminar of New Asia / Yale-China: The first 50 Years
- Naming Ceremony of the Leung Hung Kee Building
- First “Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History”
- “Our Life in West” exhibition
- Professor Lap-chee Tsui hosts the lecture “New Asia‧Genes”
- Professor James C. Y. Watt hosts the 60th anniversary celebration academic lecture cum the 22nd Ch’ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture
- Unveiling Ceremony of the Statue of Mr. Tang Chun-i
- “Six Decades of Endeavour: A Pictorial History of New Asia College” organised
- The “Chinese Painting and Calligraphy in the Collection of New Asia College” organised
- 60th anniversary drama production “Our Starlight Stories” performed in the Hong Kong City Hall
- Professor Shun Kwong-loi succeeds as College Head
- Joint-organised overseas cultural exchange programme with Hertford College, Oxford University
- Joint-organised Global Alumni Leadership Exchange Program with Yale University’s alumni association
- First “New Asia Lectures on Contemporary China”
- First “New Asia Lectures on Confucianism”
- Celebration and seminar of the 60th Anniversary of Partnership between New Asia College and Yale-China Association
- Opening of the New Asia History Gallery
- Professor Henry N.C. Wong once again succeeds as College Head
- Naming Ceremony of Mr. Bill Lam Wing Tak Lounge
- “Unveiling Ceremony of the Statue of Professor Pi-kai Tchang”
- Professor Yu Ying-Shih lectures on “New Asia College and Chinese Humanities Studies”
- “Banquet in Celebration of the 65th Anniversary of New Asia College”
- Professor Yu Kwang Chung lectures on “A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Pastoral Poetry”
- First “Yen Kwo-Yung Lecture in Life Sciences”
- Completion Ceremony of Kwelin Street Public Open Space (New Asia College Former Site)
- New Asia Charles Leung Gymnasium Naming Ceremony
- Student Lui Lai Yiu wins the bronze medal in the women’s 100m hurdles in the 2018 Asian Games
- “Changes of China’s Culture of Learning since Late 19th Century” speech delivered by Professor Ambrose King
- “Together We March Forward: New Asia 70 Years An Exhibition”
- Donation for Collections
- Online Appreciation
- Collections
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New Asia Online History Archives
Introduction to New Asia History Gallery
New Asia College has been founded for more than 70 years. After all these days, the College’s campus had been relocated several times. While many teachers and students in the early years have departed from us, countless cultural relics and archives have also been lost. In order to re-display the history of the College, we have been proactively preparing for the construction of the History Gallery in recent years. Collection and sorting of various history resources were carried out.
The New Asia History Gallery is an attempt to:
- Unite the teachers, students, and alumni of the College;
- Strengthen students’ and the public’s understanding of our history, development, and educational goals; and
- Inherit and spread New Asia’s educational ideals.
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