New Asia College / Yale University Student Exchange Programme

New Asia College and Yale University have been jointly organising this exchange programme since 1993. Major objective of the programme is to enhance students’ understanding of social, cultural and scientific issues in the two regions. The exchange includes academic seminars, symposium, visits to local organisations/groups and other activities related to the particular theme for exchange. New Asia students need to conduct theme-related research and report their findings at the symposium held at Yale University. Every year, eight NAC students pay a two-week visit to U.S. during the Lunar New Year period (January/February) whilst Yale students come to New Asia College in March.

Applicants are expected to have good understanding of the theme in both Hong Kong and the Mainland, and from a global perspective. Interested students should submit online application at College website on or before 28 September.




Experience Sharing of 2022/23 YUNA Participants (Published in New Asia Life Monthly Magazine):

1. Voyage to Yale  – In Search of Education, Technology and Lifelong Bonding  (March 2023 Issue)
2. YUNA : Bond and Beyond (May 2023 Issue)
3. 耶魯學生訪港 –  跨越時差的友誼 (May 2023 Issue)


Experience Sharing of 2023/24 YUNA Participants (Published in New Asia Life Monthly Magazine):

4. 耶魯同學在美國和香港的一二事 (June 2024 Issue)
5. Beyond Borders: A Narrative of Friendship, Learning, and Cultural Exploration (June 2024 Issue)
6. Deconstructing Hong Kong and Guangzhou: Yale University New Asia College Exchange (September 2024 Issue)




Mr. Jason Yeung
3943 7612