New Asia Online History Archives
- Introduction to New Asia History Gallery
- Visiting Information
- Memory Lanes
- College History
- College History
- Early Teachers (1949 – 1976)
- College History
- Early Student Activities
- Videos and Oral History
- Highlights and Milestones
- Establishment and initiation of the Asia Evening College of Arts and Commerce
- Groundbreaking ceremony of the Shatin new campus
- Professor Hector Sun-on Chan succeeds as College Head
- Asia Evening College of Arts and Commerce is restructured and changed its name to New Asia College
- Establishment and initiation of the New Asia Night School
- Publication of the initial issue of the New Asia College Journal
- First graduation ceremony
- Establishment of the New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies
- Commencement of cooperation with the Yale-in-China Association
- First meeting of New Asia members
- Publication of the initial issue of New Asia Journal
- Department of Foreign Languages was installed
- Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Farm Road Campus
- Inauguration ceremony of the Farm Road Campus
- Department of Chinese and History was divided into the Department of Chinese and the Department of History
- A two-year Fine Arts programme is added
- First issue of New Asia Life Bi-weekly Magazine published
- Graduation of the first batch of postgraduates
- Department of Business Administration is set up, and the Fine Arts programme renamed to the Department of Fine Arts
- College Head renamed as President
- First graduation ceremony of New Asia College’s Fine Arts programme
- Faculties of Arts, Science, and Business instituted
- Department of Philosophy and Education renamed to the Department of Philosophy and Sociology
- Department of Mathematics and the Department of Biology instituted
- New Asia, Chung Chi, and United College co-initiated the combined graduation ceremony
- Establishment of the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Physics
- Celebration of the completion of the third phase of the new campus
- Establishment of the Staff Association
- Declaration of the establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Inauguration of the first Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Resignation of President Ch’ien Mu
- Professor Ou Tsuin-chen succeeds as the President
- Department of Journalism included in the Faculty of Arts
- Department of Business renamed to Department of Accounting and Finance
- Department of Philosophy and Sociology restructured to the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Sociology
- Professor Y.T. Shen succeeds as President
- Death of Dr. Tchang Pi-kai
- Professor Y.P. Mei succeeds as President
- Relocation to Shatin campus
- Professor Yu Ying-Shih succeeds as President
- Professor Chuan Han-sheng succeeds as President
- Legislative Council of Hong Kong passes the “Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance” in the third reading
- Professor Ambrose King succeeds as College Head
- Death of Mr. Tang Chun-i
- Opening of Xuesi Hall and Yun Chi Hsien
- Initial issue of the ‘New Asia Academic Bulletin’ is published
- Mr. Ch’ien Mu presents the handwritten drafts of Zhuzi Xin Xue An to the Ch’ien Mu Library
- Mr. Ch’ien Mu appointed speaker of the first “Ch’ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture”
- First College Cultural Dinner Talk
- Mr. and Mrs. Ch’ien Mu and representatives of the Yale-China Association attended the 30th anniversary celebration events
- Opening of the Yali Lounge
- Mr. and Mrs. Liu Haisu visit New Asia
- First “ S. Y. Chung Visiting Fellow” Professor Qian Weichang visits New Asia
- “Dream of The Red Chamber” translator John Minford visits New Asia
- First “New Asia Mingyu Foundation Scheme” scholar visits New Asia
- Kunqu performing artist Mr. Yu Chun-Fei (transliterated) visits New Asia
- 30th Anniversary of Partnership between New Asia College and Yale-China Association
- Head of Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy Mr. Cheng Shifa visits New Asia
- Professor Lin Tzong-biau succeeds as College Head
- Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of the New Asia College/ Asia University Exchange Programme
- Opening of the New Asia Conference Room
- Death of Mr. Ch’ien Mu
- Mr. and Mrs. Professor Eto Shinkichi of Asia University visit New Asia with a delegation
- National Taiwan University President Yen Chen-Hsing visits New Asia
- Professor Kazuo Takamatsu, President of Soka University visits New Asia
- Professor Leung Ping-chung succeeds as College Head
- Lo Fung Society co-organises the “The Symposium on Literature Exchange amongst Scholars from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau”
- “Institute of Dunhuang-Turfan Studies” established
- First student exchange programme with Yale University
- Opening ceremony of the Hui Gallery and the first exhibition
- New Asia College organises “Student Exchange Programme of the Mainland and Taiwan Universities”
- “Language Academic Seminar”
- “The Academic Seminar in commemoration of the 100th Birthday of Mr. Ch’ien Mu”
- Seminar of “Enhancement of Language Ability by Reading Literature”
- Opening of Beijing Tsinghua University’s “Ch’ien Mu Memorial Library”
- “The International Conference on Cantonese Opera ”
- “Confucianism and the 21st Century” international academic seminar
- “Fou Ts’ong Piano Recital for New Asia’s Golden Jubilee Fundraising”
- “International Conference on Hong Kong Literature”
- Seminar on “The Retrospect and Prospect of Chinese Culture”
- Professor Yuan-tseh Lee lectures on “Chinese Culture and Education”
- Mr. George Yeo lectures on “Chinese Culture and Politics”
- “New Asia Golden Jubilee Concert”
- Professor Ambrose King lectures on “Chinese Culture and Society”
- Professor Yang Chen-Ning lectures on “Chinese Culture and Science”
- First “Seminar on Traditional Chinese Culture”
- Yale-China Association Centennial Delegation visits New Asia
- Topping-out Ceremony of Daisy Lee Hall
- First “Seminar on Chinese Moral Education”
- Professor Henry N.C. Wong succeeds as College Head
- Opening of Daisy Lee Hall and Chow Kwen-lim lounge
- Collaboration with the Yale-China Association in “New Asia College/ Yale University Summer Community Service Exchange”
- Opening of the Pavilion of Harmony
- “Ceremony of Unveiling of the Bust of Mr. Ch’ien Mu cum Completion of the Refurbishment of the Ch’ien Mu Library”
- Celebration and seminar of New Asia / Yale-China: The first 50 Years
- Naming Ceremony of the Leung Hung Kee Building
- First “Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History”
- “Our Life in West” exhibition
- Professor Lap-chee Tsui hosts the lecture “New Asia‧Genes”
- Professor James C. Y. Watt hosts the 60th anniversary celebration academic lecture cum the 22nd Ch’ien Mu Lecture in History and Culture
- Unveiling Ceremony of the Statue of Mr. Tang Chun-i
- “Six Decades of Endeavour: A Pictorial History of New Asia College” organised
- The “Chinese Painting and Calligraphy in the Collection of New Asia College” organised
- 60th anniversary drama production “Our Starlight Stories” performed in the Hong Kong City Hall
- Professor Shun Kwong-loi succeeds as College Head
- Joint-organised overseas cultural exchange programme with Hertford College, Oxford University
- Joint-organised Global Alumni Leadership Exchange Program with Yale University’s alumni association
- First “New Asia Lectures on Contemporary China”
- First “New Asia Lectures on Confucianism”
- Celebration and seminar of the 60th Anniversary of Partnership between New Asia College and Yale-China Association
- Opening of the New Asia History Gallery
- Professor Henry N.C. Wong once again succeeds as College Head
- Naming Ceremony of Mr. Bill Lam Wing Tak Lounge
- “Unveiling Ceremony of the Statue of Professor Pi-kai Tchang”
- Professor Yu Ying-Shih lectures on “New Asia College and Chinese Humanities Studies”
- “Banquet in Celebration of the 65th Anniversary of New Asia College”
- Professor Yu Kwang Chung lectures on “A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Pastoral Poetry”
- First “Yen Kwo-Yung Lecture in Life Sciences”
- Completion Ceremony of Kwelin Street Public Open Space (New Asia College Former Site)
- New Asia Charles Leung Gymnasium Naming Ceremony
- Student Lui Lai Yiu wins the bronze medal in the women’s 100m hurdles in the 2018 Asian Games
- “Changes of China’s Culture of Learning since Late 19th Century” speech delivered by Professor Ambrose King
- “Together We March Forward: New Asia 70 Years An Exhibition”
- Donation for Collections
- Online Appreciation
- Collections
//if(!empty($args['includeHome'] && $args['includeHome'] != false)): ?>
New Asia Online History Archives
Memory Lanes
Highlights and Milestones
First “Yu Ying-shih Lecture in History”