College General Education

All New Asia students are required to take 6 units of College GE courses:

  • 4 credits: compulsory courses (for Year One students)
  • 2 credits: elective courses (for Year Two or above)

Study Schemes  

Compulsory courses (4 units)

  1. GENA1112 Aspects of General Education (2 credits)
  2. GENA1113 Student-oriented Teaching and Seminar (2 credits)

Elective courses (2 units)

Students are required to take one elective course.

Course Information (2024/2025)
The Characteristics of Western Culture
  • Unit: 2
  • Term 2
  • Introduction
    This course will introduce students to some of the themes and characteristics of western culture, such as religion, philosophy, politics and society.
  • Course Outline 2023/2024
Issues in American Culture and History
  • Unit: 2
  • Term 1
  • Introduction
    This course begins with a brief but comprehensive exploration of American history, and then quickly moves on to the most important events and issues of the last 100 years of American history and culture. Historical events and persons will also be covered.
  • Course Outline 2023/2024
Appreciation of Literature
  • Unit: 2
  • Term 2
  • Introduction
    This course aims at helping students develop interests and competence to appreciate and analyze Chinese and foreign literature.
  • Course Outline 2023/2024
Appreciation of Art
  • Unit: 2
  • Term 1
  • Introduction
    This course aims at introducing important works of art in the Chinese and Western traditions to students and helping them to develop their ability to appreciate art. Art works, including paintings and sculptures, will be discussed.
  • Course Outline 2022/2023
Women, Men and Culture
  • Unit: 2
  • Term 2
  • Introduction
    This course takes an anthropological perspective to address gender and sexuality. It encourages students to examine their own gender identities and beliefs critically by introducing core concerns, arguments, and approaches related to gender and sexuality.
  • Course Outline 2023/2024
Debates in Human Values
  • Unit: 2
  • Term 1
  • Introduction
    This course explores key areas of conflict in human values, such as nationalism, religion, preservation, gender, money, violence, and media, and encourages students to study these subjects and reflect on their values.
  • Course Outline 2023/2024

Please logon CUSIS to browse Course Catalog and Programme Information for course details.


Students of Senior Year Entrants

Second-year entrants are required to take the College General Education course “GENA1112 Aspects of General Education” (2 units) during their first year of attendance.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) introduces a new credit-bearing service-learning programme to extend students’ learning outside the classroom and to serve the local community. New Asia College will launch this programme in 2025/26 academic year as compulsory course of College General Education. Read more

Download Forms
Ms. Amy Yip
3943 1619
Ms. Priscilla Kwan
3943 7604
General Education Office, 1/F, Cheng Ming Building
3943 7609