Professor Lau Pui-king Priscilla Chaired New Asia Lectures on Contemporary China 2022/23

Keynote speaker Prof. Lau Pui-king Priscilla

Prof. Priscilla Lau delivering the lecture

From left: College Head Prof. Hector Sun-On Chan, Prof. Lau Pui-king Priscilla and Associate College Head Prof. Chong Tai-leung Terence

[November 2022 issue]

The “New Asia Lectures on Contemporary China 2022/23” was held on 4 November this year. It was our honour to have invited Prof. Lau Pui-king Priscilla, one of the Hong Kong deputies to the 9th - 12th National People’s Congress (1998 - 2017), as well as an Adjunct Professor of the School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University, to share her comprehensive views on the topic “China’s Reform Performance in Livelihood” from the perspective of a National People’s Congress (NPC) deputy.

On that day, Prof. Lau shared her experience in political deliberation and performance as a deputy of the NPC for more than 30 years, briefly introduced the structure and process of the NPC’s deliberation, and quoted several examples to illustrate China’s reform process and policies in the area of people’s livelihood. The lecture was hosted by Prof. Chong Tai-leung Terence, Associate Head of the College, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, and Executive Director of the Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance, CUHK.