Exhibition of Ch’ien Mu Library
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Obituary (Chinese Only)
College Trustee Mr. Lam Yiu-ming passed away on 8 April 2024 at the age of 80. Our heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy.
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Visit to Harmonia College and Minerva College in Shenzhen
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Results of New Asia College Previous Head’s Trophy 2023 and 30th Head’s Trophy (2023/24)
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Review of Environmental Activities 2023/24
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New Asia College/Yale University Student Exchange Programme 2023/24
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New Asia Forward Fund Kick-off Ceremony
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AI-Generated Graphic Design Contest
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Exhibitions of Ch’ien Mu Library
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Exploring the Footprints of Mr. Ch’ien Mu with the Head of New Asia College – Taipei Four-Day Cultural Exchange Tour
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CUHK 60th Anniversary Banquet
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Professor Siu Kwok-kin Chaired the First Lecture of New Asia College Cultural Talks 2023/24
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