New Asia Forward Fund Kick-off Ceremony

From left: College Trustee Mr. Anthony Yuen, Professor Terence Chong, Chairperson of the College Board of Trustees Mr. Leung Ying-wai, College Head Professor Sun-On Chan, Miss Ng Siu-ching, Mr. Ku Siu-fun

Ribbon cutting ceremony

Group photo

First broadcast of extracts of the “‘New Asia Forward’ Distinguished Alumni Interview Series”

[May 2024 issue]

To garner more support from New Asia alumni, the College’s Alumni Fundraising Task Force organised the “New Asia Forward Fund Kick-off Ceremony” on 10 May 2024, with the aim of encouraging alumni to support the new generation of New Asians.

“New Asia College holds ambitious educational aspirations, but resources are always scarce. Looking back at our past development, every major advancement of the College required extensive fundraising,” said College Head Professor Sun-On Chan, highlighting the challenging fundraising situation throughout the College’s journey of development and explaining the reasons for establishing the “New Asia Forward Fund”. “Most College expenses are funded through yearly fundraising activities. Unforeseen circumstances, such as recent economic downturns, can significantly undermine our fundraising efforts. To ensure stable resources, I hope to raise sufficient funds to ascertain the College’s ability to consistently and appropriately meet the needs of our students. We have therefore established the ‘New Asia Forward Fund’, with the aim to use the fund as principal that generates interest to support various educational projects,” Professor Chan added.

Chairperson of the College Board of Trustees Mr. Leung Ying-wai said, “New Asia College has nurtured many successful alumni. We always hope that they will give back to their alma mater. However, it is no easy task to reach out to them as they are striving hard for their careers and may not have time to catch up with the development of the College. It requires a lot of efforts to identify successful alumni who are willing to support the College. The establishment of the ‘Alumni Fundraising Task Force' is a significant boost for us.”

Chairperson of the Alumni Fundraising Task Force and Associate College Head Professor Terence Chong pointed out, “Today’s university education is not only about imparting knowledge but also about enhancing students’ personal development and cultivating proper values. The College hinges on fundraising to provide students with non-academic support, such as hostel life, student activities, overseas exchange programmes, scholarships and bursaries, etc. If the donation amount decreases given any reason, many of these projects will be difficult to sustain due to shortage of resources.”

The College also invited the scholarship recipients to the Kick-off Ceremony. In her vote of thanks, Miss Ng Siu-ching, President of the New Asia Students’ Union said, “As a student, I am deeply moved to see the College and its alumni working tirelessly to secure more resources for us. I am confident that your strenuous efforts will yield great results. We, too, shall carry on the tradition of New Asia and pass on the torch to the next generation. After graduation, we shall not only contribute to society but also give back to our alma mater, carrying forward the New Asia spirit.”

Thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Alumni Fundraising Task Force over the past two years, the College successfully raised over HK$6 million despite the economic difficulties, marking a promising start for the “New Asia Forward Fund”.

Giving to New Asia:

To evoke the alumni’s memories of their student days and to introduce to the public the impact of “New Asia Education” in nurturing New Asians who make contributions to society, the Alumni Fundraising Task Force has interviewed several distinguished New Asia alumni from different eras. Highlights of these interviews were premiered at the Kick-off Ceremony. Click the link below for the video:  

The full version of the interviews and more interviews with distinguished alumni will be released soon. Please stay tuned to the College’s YouTube channel.