Updates from Overseas College Alumni Associations

[May 2022 issue]

(1) New Asia College Alumni Association of Northern California

New Asia College Alumni Association of Northern California organized two activities in February and March, which are "Chinese New Year of the Tiger Online Gathering" on 26 February, and a tea gathering on 19 March.

Whether the meeting was online or in person, our alumni treasured the time of being together.

(2) The New Asia College Alumni Association of Ontario, CUHK

The New Asia College Alumni Association of Ontario, CUHK hosted an online sharing session on gardening on May 14 and more than 30 alumni attended.

This sharing session was a continuation of the one organized last year, which was very well received. Thus the association organized it again, for raising awareness of environmental protection, enhancing participants’ knowledge and spreading the joy of gardening during the pandemic. Several topics were covered in the session, which included plant selections, soil management, pest control and planting methods.

Vice-president Mr. Jimmy Ma hosted the meeting, with participants being alumni of CUHK and other friendly universities. It was a joyful and knowledgeable meeting which planters benefited a lot from the exchanges.