New Asia College/Yale University Student Exchange Programme 2023/24

New Asia College/Yale University Student Exchange Programme 2023/24

The Yale group paid a reciprocal visit to Hong Kong

Visit to Guangzhou

[May 2024 issue]

New Asia College and Yale University have jointly organised the “New Asia College/Yale University Student Exchange Programme” since 1993. The major objective of the programme is to enhance students’ understanding of social, cultural and scientific issues of the two regions. College Trustee Dr. Raymond Wong has generously supported the programme since 2015.

The theme of this year’s programme is “Ethnicity, Migration and Identity”. As part of the programme, a group of eight New Asia students visited New York City and Yale University from 10 to 25 February 2024, and presented theme-related reports at a symposium at Yale. Yale students paid a reciprocal visit to our College from 10 to 24 March 2024.

During their stay in Hong Kong, the Yale group participated in a wide range of activities, including attending academic lectures, visiting non-governmental organisations and the Legislative Council, etc. They also visited Guangzhou, a city that combines traditional culture and modern development. One highlight was a symposium held on 13 March at Yun Chi Hsien, at which Yale students presented reports on theme-related subjects.