【New Asia Now and Then – Yale Glee Club Visited New Asia College】

56 years ago today (July 15, 1965), the Yale Glee Club was invited to visit New Asia College and perform with the New Asia Chinese Music Club and the New Asia Music Club. Led by Director Prof. Fenno Health, members of the Yale Glee Club arrived at the Farm Road Campus in the morning of July 15 where they were warmly greeted by representatives of the College and the Yale-China Association. The concert was held at the Auditorium filled with admiring students from the College and CU.

After the remarks by Yale-China representative Mr. Preston Schoyer and a Yale student representative, the concert began with the performance of twelves songs by the Yale Glee Club, followed by a series of Chinese musical numbers by the New Asia Chinese Music Club and the New Asia Music Club.

Since the beginning of the partnership with the Yale-China Association in 1954, New Asia maintained a close relationship with Yale University, including the annual assignment of Yale graduates (Yale Bachelors) to teach English courses at the College. Student exchange and summer community service exchange programmes were later established to strengthen the exchanges between the two institutions.