New Asia Life Monthly Magazine – June 2022

The main contents of this issue include ——

[Feature Story]
Our former Head Prof. Henry N.C. Wong was appointed an Honorary Fellow of the University. We shall publish Prof. Tang Sze Wing’s encomium to Prof. Wong, with photos taken at the Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony and Banquet in Celebration of his Honorary Fellowship.

[Invited Articles]
Curated by Dr. Ho Pik Ki, the Exhibition “Artistic Crosscurrents from Guangdong: Selected Painting and Calligraphy from Late Qing to Republican China” is now being held at the CUHK Art Museum. Ms. Fung Chun Kam (76/Chinese Language and Literature) contributed an article featuring an interview with Dr. Ho, and introduced the topics and main masterpieces of the exhibition. Another article is from our former Head Prof. Leung Ping Chung who has prepared a preface for the new book of our Senior College Tutor Prof. Cheung Hok Ming (76/History) on medical vocabularies.

[Column “Heterogeneity in a Single Theme”]
The theme of this issue is “Moving Away” and is written by two alumni Mr. Leung Wing Yin Vernon (17/Biology) and Miss Yu Jacqueline (16/ Geography and Resource Management). Vernon has shared how urbanites “fled” to outskirts from the downtown and his perceptions of the true relationship between humans and the natural environment, while Jacqueline who is currently residing in Australia has expounded her views on emigration and talked about how she, her parents and the Hongkongers migrated to nowwhere.

[NAYS Scheme]
Ms. Liang Yannu was invited to host a Chinese Painting Workshop for the New Asia Young Scholar Scheme. Mr. Simon Timo Kropp (Global Studies/Year 3) has wrote about the details of the workshop and the insights he gained.